As an independent school leader, you have to navigate many challenging situations, including helping your community wrestle with complex issues that don’t have a clear right or wrong answer. In this three-hour, virtual workshop, you'll address how you can lead conversations with your board or administrative team about improving or overhauling your compensation model to attend to the compensation needs of teachers. In the sprint you’ll consider how doing so supports efforts to retain and attract the best teachers, as well as how it shapes your school’s financial sustainability.
Exclusively for heads of school, this one-day, three-hour, online sprint will help you develop strategies to address your most pressing challenges on this issue. Using tools developed by the NAIS Strategy Lab Team, you’ll “unpack” what the issue looks like at your school. You’ll develop an authentic point of view and outline motivating talking points to address your challenge. You’ll then get to practice and plan for communicating with others in a way that is engaging and meaningful within your school’s culture and context.
Join us for this three-hour sprint and come away with tips and tricks to help you navigate complex situations at your school, a network of heads who are grappling with similar issues, and a draft plan that you can implement at your school.
Thursday, May 11, 2023; noon to 3 PM ET
Exclusively for heads of school